[Tinklepad] The Deer Hunter Full Movie

[Tinklepad] The Deer Hunter Full Movie



genres War year 1978 directed by Michael Cimino duration 3Hour 3 Minutes review Michael, Steven and Nick are young factory workers from Pennsylvania who enlist into the Army to fight in Vietnam. Before they go, Steven marries the pregnant Angela, and their wedding party also serves as the men"s farewell party. After some time and many horrors, the three friends fall in the hands of the Vietcong and are brought to a prison camp in which they are forced to play Russian roulette against each other. Michael makes it possible for them to escape, but they soon get separated again







Classic movie excellent performances by Louise Fletcher, Jack Nicholson, and Will Sampson. The deer hunter actress. The deer hunter act 1. The deer hunter simpsons. Psychiatry is a messed up science. The dear hunter band. The deer hunter awards. The deer hunter bar scene. The deer hunter band.

The greatest scene in movie history. The deer hunter full movie. Yet we in Great Britain have survived a history that few other Empires could have. Edward Rommel Spencer FOX Mi5 n Mi6 BRITISH ARMY. I have seen this movie quite a few times, and for my concern movies should be seen several times as there are so many things to see,discover,comprehend and remember in such a short time. I read a few comments by others, not all of them for they are too many to deal with. I see a movie with emotional eyes and this one worked so well for me. The critic often made about the weeding scene and the length of time and questioning its need to be there may hold for some. But if one goes to a museum one would see that some of the visitors are on the go at all time whilst others pause and take time to look at certain display. In a cinema this isn"t possible one is at the mercy of the film speed, so I guess it"s up to the director to make those choice for us. In this case it work for me. I won"t go in detail why since it"s been commented already by many previous entries. All I"ll say I liked very much the "display" of the wedding and found it fundamental to this work. Although I feel it has lost some of it"s freshness, The Deer Hunter somehow remains at the top of my list. MB.

I watch this scene then the ten things i hate about you scene then this again. Hands down this movie has the most gripping and effective ending of any movie ever made. imho. when I saw it in the theatre everybody stood up and cheered. What an experience. The deer hunter hunting scene. The deer hunter director. The deer hunter scene. The deer hunter can"t take my eyes off you. The Deer hunter x. The deer hunter imdb. The deer hunter youtube.

The deer hunter (1978. The deer hunter best scene. The deer hunter wikipedia. The deer hunter cast and crew. Let me love you. This takes place were I live. Clairton, PA. Near Pittsburgh PA. MASTERPIECE. The Deer Hunter, Cimino"s finest hour. He never reached those heights again. Shame what happened to him. The deer hunter act 4. Last weekend I was driving from Ohio to NJ and this song came on while I cruised across I80. I relived this whole scene from the Deer Hunter as I shrieked along with the song. Epic movie with an Epic song.

The casting in this movie is unparalleled. The deer hunter movie. When I daw this movie as a boy. I knew that the movie was of a higher caliber than most other movies. The Deer hunters. Alot of people nowadays need nonstop action. Movies like this and Taxi driver dont appeal to people anymore. We are one of the few that don"t overload your project is, thereby let users to watch any video without ads and sending SMS messages, which is often used by cyber criminals in order to capitalize on unsuspecting citizens.


The ending look in the mirror and weird ping in music symbolizes that the madness is still in him and probably will come out again in the future. Kina off topic but does anyone know the name of the piece played on the piano in the bar after they go hunting i think? Or was it just composed for the film. The deer hunter cavatina. The deer hunter. The deer hunter full movie free. R.I.p. micheal cimino. as big of a film buff as I am i"ve actually never seen this before, but I bet you made a masterpiece of filmmaking when you directed this film and it will continue to be loved by many cinema lovers even after the time of your passing. also, we couldn"t thank you enough for helping launch the acting career of christopher walken. you will surely be missed.

You have a nice online viewing. The Deer hunter 4. The deer hunter theme song. In that time Coppola had the flees i think. a bit annoying how he stil scratch. But then when i look at Ali McGraw, it`s fine by me. Not only we have The Deer Hunter movie but also you can get the subtitles in English, French, Italy, and other languages with movie in HD, SD,HD, DVDrip available. These type of movies are really funny without all the new crap, shock factor, filthy nonsense. Reminds me a bit of the Dirty Dozen. Really well casted. The wedding scenes and dances are pure gems. As both a disabled Vietnam Veteran and growing up in a New Jersey factory town with many people of Eastern European origins, the scenes were like a return home for me. These people were very patriotic and anti-communist. I was a student at Rutgers New Brunswick, NJ campus when anti-Vietnam War students clashed with the large anti-communist Hungarian population. Some of these people arrived after the 1956 Hungarian uprising. In the first hour the film depicts the the type of people that went to Vietnam, working class and in some cases patriotic.
In the final scene where Axel leads the group in singing "God Bless America" the patriotism of these working class people is reaffirmed in spite of the tragic consequences of their friends service in Vietnam.

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